Our Video Channels
RŌL TV our Jiu Jitsu online platform is dedicated to improving your Jiu Jitsu with over 1500 videos at your fingertips. Techniques, drills, lessons, and special events are all available on a fully customizable platform that you can watch on any device. RŌL TV is updated on a regular basis with new content so you can continue your Jiu Jistu education and improve your skills while off the mats. Learn from Professor Thomas and some of the biggest names in Jiu Jitsu including Adem Redzovic, Felipe Costa, Rafael Lovato Sr, Octavio Couto, and many more all on one incredible site.
RŌL Academy's Youtube channel has a ton of free content from our podcasts and online platforms. Sample videos from The RŌL Radio, Ask a Black Belt, RŌL TV, and more for fun, entertaining and educational stories, techniques, and interviews from some of the biggest names in Jiu Jitsu and MMA. Don’t forget to Subscribe while visiting so you don’t miss out on any of the exciting videos made for Jiu Jitsu enthusiasts like you.